torsdag 23. januar 2014

American youth, education and after school activities

 What is a stereotypical American teenager like? Is there a difference between American and Norwegian youth? Personally I don't really think there`s a big difference between them,  but if you've  ever seen an American teenager movie, you will probably have a different opinion.

I don't think there`s a big difference between American and Norwegian youth. The only difference I can think of is the school system and after school activities. I think the American school is much more appreciated among the students than the Norwegian school is. No offence... Instead of having after school activities established by volunteers or hired coaches mostly of the American youths are involved in activities connected with the school. Cheerleading, football, basketball, swimming, school bands and spelling teams are common activities to be found in American schools.

The American school system

Children usually start in Kindergarten at age of 5/6, elementary school at age of 6/7, Middle school at age of 12 and High school at age of 14. If you don't choose to pursue higher education you will probably finish school at age of 17/18. After you've graduated High school you can move on to College or University. One of the biggest difference between American and Norwegian youth is the level of education. College is pretty    expensive so not every family can afford it.

søndag 29. september 2013


Wales is my last stop in the UK so I have decided to stay here a day longer and maybe go see another football match. Since the ferry worked out so well the last time I think I`m going to try it again.

To get the most out of my stay in Wales I have planned every day. The first day I will visit Weobley castle. Weobley castle is one of the last fortified houses in Wales, so it will be very interesting. The second day have I signed up for a bike tour around the city. The participants get to borrow bikes and a guide will follow us through the whole city, I`m so excited! The third day I will go see Swansea fc play against Liverpool, I am cheering at Swansea. I can`t imagine a better way to finish my UK stay.

After spending three days in Swansea I have had a great time. The first day I rented a bike and cycled to the castle. It was a lot longer than I thought it would be, but I didn't care. I have to say "Wales is beautiful", the nature was so amazing. The castle itself wasn`t that fun as I thought it would be, but it was worth it, I even got to bye some souvenirs. The second day I showed up where the guide had told us to, rented a bike and followed the guide. The tour was really fun, Swansea wasn`t as pretty as the other cities I have visited, but I have to admit, the city has charm. The third day I went to see Swansea fc at Liberty Stadium. Swansea was playing home against Liverpool. The match was really exciting and the enthusiastic crowd made it even better.

Match report: Liverpool fc beat Swansea fc 2 - 1 thanks to Daniel Sturridge and his powerful leg.
Although Swansea lost I can`t imagine a better way to finish my UK stay.

søndag 22. september 2013

Northern Ireland

An alternative way to travel the UK is by ferries. I took a ferry from the coast of Scotland and to Belfast. The ferry took about two and a half hour. Although it was a long journey it was pretty fun. I got to see a lot of birds nesting on the islets, I even got to see a couple of seals. The ferry itself was very big, but all the tourists on board made it very narrow. There were so many people inside that there were no place to be, so I stayed on the deck the hole ride. It was pretty cold, but I don't regret a second. I don't have any specific plans in Belfast, but I know I will visits The Titanic Pump House.

After spending a couple of days in Belfast I`ve learned a lot about the Irish culture. The Irish culture consists of many traditions. For example Saint Patricks day. Saint Patricks day is a sort of national day where everybody dresses green and wear hats. The first day in Belfast I went to a pub called "St. Patricks Pub". "St. Patricks Pub" is a pub based on Saint Patricks day where they celebrate the day all year around. The waitress was dressed in green and had a funny looking hat on her head. She was dancing around and served Guinness to all the guests. It was actually kind of fun. The second day I went to Titanic Pump House, it was great! I learned a lot of fact about the tragedy. It was very interesting 
to hear about the tragedy while I walked through the dock and imagined what it was like back then.

søndag 15. september 2013


After an hour long flight I finally arrived Scotland. This is my first time in Scotland so I am very excited! I`ve heard a lot about their accent. I knew the Scottish accent was weird, but it was first when I heard the security guard at the airport I realized how funny it sounded. I took a train from the airport and to Glasgow. Glasgow is actually the largest city Scotland. I`m not sure how long I will stay in Glasgow, but I will probably stay there in a couple of days. I don't have too many plans for my stay in here, but the first day I will probably go see Glasgow science centre. The second day I will just walk around in the city look for something to do. I haven't quite decided what to do yet.

After spending a couple of days in Glasgow I`ve seen several interesting places and learnt a lot about the Scottish culture. The Glasgow science centre was pretty cool. It was pretty much the same as the Norwegian "Teknisk Museum" in Oslo, just a lot bigger. My favourite attraction was defiantly Glasgow tower. Glasgow tower is Scotland's highest freestanding building so the view was amazing. The second day I decided to just walk up and down the streets and listened to the Scottish accent. It was hard to understand in the beginning, but I got fast used to it. When I walked past the church I saw some old men wearing kilt and playing bag pipes Even though it sounded terrible It was pretty fun to watch and listen. It seemed to be like a wedding or something, but I`m not sure. I didn't want to interrupt them so I just kept walking.

This is the view from the top of the tower and the picture under is a man playing bag pipe.

torsdag 5. september 2013

Some pictures from London :-)
After spending a couple days in London I have seen a lot of interesting places and many magnificent buildings. The first day in London I went to see Madame Tussauds. To get from the hotel I stayed at and to Madame Tussauds I had to walk straight across Hyde Park.  I had a great time walking through Hyde park. I saw old women feeding ducks and upset politicians yelling at each other with loud voices and grim faces.
Madame Tussauds was awesome! The wax figures looked so real. I saw celebrities as Michael Jackson, Muhammad Ali, Barack Obama and many, many more.

The second day I went to see Chelsea fc at Stamford Bridge. Chelsea was playing home against they`re rivals Arsenal fc. The match was boarding itself, but the enthusiastic crowd made it epic. 

Match report: Chelsea fc beat Arsenal fc 2 - 1 thanks to David Luiz and his left leg.
On my way home from Stamford Bridge, Chelsea's home stadium I walk through an old graveyard. 

mandag 2. september 2013

I have just arrived Gatwick airport. Gatwick is actually the second largest airport in London. I will stay a couple of days in London, just enough to see the city.  In just a few minutes a taxi will pick me up and bring me to Corus Hotel Hyde park where I will stay the next days. Tomorrow I`m going to Madame Tussauds. A few years back I went to see Madame Tussauds in Shanghai, it was great!  I think London is going to be just as good. The second day I will go see Chelsea fc play against Arsenal fc at Stamford Bridge. I`m cheering for Chelsea! I can`t wait until tomorrow.