søndag 15. september 2013


After an hour long flight I finally arrived Scotland. This is my first time in Scotland so I am very excited! I`ve heard a lot about their accent. I knew the Scottish accent was weird, but it was first when I heard the security guard at the airport I realized how funny it sounded. I took a train from the airport and to Glasgow. Glasgow is actually the largest city Scotland. I`m not sure how long I will stay in Glasgow, but I will probably stay there in a couple of days. I don't have too many plans for my stay in here, but the first day I will probably go see Glasgow science centre. The second day I will just walk around in the city look for something to do. I haven't quite decided what to do yet.

After spending a couple of days in Glasgow I`ve seen several interesting places and learnt a lot about the Scottish culture. The Glasgow science centre was pretty cool. It was pretty much the same as the Norwegian "Teknisk Museum" in Oslo, just a lot bigger. My favourite attraction was defiantly Glasgow tower. Glasgow tower is Scotland's highest freestanding building so the view was amazing. The second day I decided to just walk up and down the streets and listened to the Scottish accent. It was hard to understand in the beginning, but I got fast used to it. When I walked past the church I saw some old men wearing kilt and playing bag pipes Even though it sounded terrible It was pretty fun to watch and listen. It seemed to be like a wedding or something, but I`m not sure. I didn't want to interrupt them so I just kept walking.

This is the view from the top of the tower and the picture under is a man playing bag pipe.

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